By ANDY597

More wood

I thought today was going to be a non journal day, then I came home.

Connie meets me the moment I get through the front door (unheard of) and she announces that she has news. My instant thought is well she isn't pregnant and the car was still in one piece so she must have bought something or done something.

She opens the tiny cupboard at our front door and the dogs baskets are in there. She is like when the new carpet and suite arrives that's where the dogs are sleeping.

I was like naw they aren't, by all means lock them in the hall, or buy a kitchen door but they aren't sleeping in there Cruella

Cruella says my client Boris (disguised his name here) sleeps in a cupboard. I say so does Harry Potter but they still aren't going in there.

She says, well I wouldn't mind sleeping in a comfy cupboard. Ok doll its a done deal then, the dogs are coming upstairs with me.

Besides its where the Hoover is kept and the dogs are scared of the Hoover after Cruella tried to Hoover them that time. Now before anybody phones animal rights she is also the only person I know to have got her own hair stuck in a Hoover and she has also ran over the same man twice in the car. So please don't phone and report her to the SPCA 0300 999 999.

She agrees to buy a kitchen door.

While Cruella is away walking aforementioned puppies, I steal a small moral victory for all men out there and I put back up the narnia mirror that she had removed from our living room. It successfully hides some more of the teal quite well.

I feel very pleased with myself that I have had my way with wood twice this week.
Mwhehhanhaha evil laugh

Cruella also informs me that she has found a bra in the back of the her audi cabriolet and it doesn't belong to her, the likely suspects are me, or her dad. I much prefer the solution that it's Cruellas new woman. .

As I know it has nothing to do with me, the only solution is that her dad has either found a well endowed lady friend or he has taken to wearing women's underwear. Ooh that must chafe a bit.

She says that she is going to confront him tomorrow to see if he has been cross dressing.

My camera arrives back today with the suggestion that I should try a new memory card?????? I will follow this instruction but won't hold out too much hope.

Todays picture is the narnia mirror, one small step for me, one large step for mankind.

Reclaim your manhood chaps, burn your boxers and tell her with the high heels that you always go out with the lads on a Friday, you will place a bet if you want to and that she can't forget that a dogs a mans best friend.

Liberate yourself men from the teal. I will be online throughout the course of the coming week to offer support to my new founded Men for Primary Colours Support Group.

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