Body language. I suppose I would be slouching like that if someone had chopped my head off.

I like the cardigan but will the sleeves be long enough. It's winter now. And when did flares come back in fashion? I should have kept mine. Ah, no, they wouldn't fit now would they. Salad tonight for tea.

I hope to finish reading my current book tonight, and then move on to something more enjoyable; and I might do a few rows of knitting. Yesterday I received a raffle prize from the local arts and crafts exhibition held at the weekend. Not the chocolates, or the wine, or the flowers, but something which I will now spend many hours working on to complete it before Christmas. As if I didn't have enough projects on the go!

I also have to decide which of my photographs to have made into a canvas print. I've got the pre-paid voucher and no idea which photo to choose, and time is running out. Busy, busy.

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