Yorkshire Life

By arroset

Health & Safety?

This morning I was walking along this street watching these guys dismantling the scaffolding and admiring the way the guy at the bottom of the ladder was expertly catching the poles dropped down from his mate above.

Have to admit my only thought was a chance of a blip, nothing about the safety of the people walking by! So out with my camera to take some shots. After a little while I was spotted and they stopped throwing down the poles. The guys thought I may be from the council! Being a blipper can be risky!

They were nice guys. Friendly banter between us and I assured them I was not a H&S spy. Obviously they shouldn't have been dismantling the poles in that way, but they were being very careful and I'm sure this practice is done routinely.

Not the best shot, but if you look carefully you can see the pole dropping down.

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