Quick blip today busy busy.. my pal
has lent me a steam cleaner and my
Grand daughter with me supervising
are going to clean her two sofa's..she got
them given to her and there's nothing
wrong with them.. just need a wee clean
I just don't get it buying new furniture
when there is nothing wrong with the
stuff they have..Must be nice to be able
to afford it..Anyway J is she said
if they don't come up good she will get a
couple of throws..A girl after my own heart..
I't lashing rain and still windy.. but it's quite
mild..I do feel for those who have had floods
I hope there isnt too much damage..we had
one once it was awful such a mess..
Here you have wee Dino sleeping sitting
up.. isnt he funny.. he just makes us laugh
all the time.. since we had the field cut he
whizzes round like a dog possessed hilarious..
Have a great day everyone..
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