Reward charts.

Jack and Erins behaviour of late has been sporadic. One day one of them is an angel and the other a devil and then they swop. It is not easy and quite frankly I've had enough. So today I hit them with their biggest weakness., oh yes they are computer junkies and would spend the best part of their day on there if they could. They can't!!!
Today I decided that as it was the start of half term the week was not going to be a bad one and they were going to learn how to behave again, or should I say remember how to behave. So the charts they are holding are computer time reward charts. Jack has the koala brothers in their plane flying from cloud to cloud and Erin has Peppa pig as a fairy flying from flower to flower. Each day they are starting at 40 minutes computer time spread throughout the day. Each time they do something naughty they go down a cloud or flower which is 5 minutes time lost. They have 9 chances through the day so they should still end up with some time unless they are terrible. Today Jack lost 10 minutes and Erin just 5 so a really good start especially as we were stuck in due to the awful weather. They get this time tomorrow so it is also showing them that what they do one day can affect another and showing them the consequences to their actions. Fingers crossed.

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