investigations of a dag

By kasty

Jamie is 9

my oldest nephew turned 9 so almost the whole clan descended onto my sister Maddie's house for a feast, several dancing displays, a few bumped heads and of course a massive cake. He tells me he wants to be a scientist and very nearly beats me at chess. I'm clinging on to intellectual superiority by a synapse.

He's never stayed still for long so it's hard to get photo's that really show what a great kid he is. Especially on my crappy camera. Sheesh do I ache for a SLR..

Babysitting next week. Hope for more angelic smiles like this.

P.S. that's my Mum and the profile of his 18 month old brother, Owen. He is utterly adorable at the moment, but similarly too giggly and jiggly to capture with my camera today. Preferred playing.

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