Flying bee

By flyingqueenbee

NEW Toms

...Made out of OLD Toms!

I have been wanting to make shoes for a while now, but those classes cost a lot of money (more since none of them are where I live). But I beat the system!! I had a pair of TOMS shoes... I liked them, but I have had them for a while, so when I came across this fabric I figured now was a good a time as any to make some shoes out of it.
Took the old TOMS apart, used the pieces to make a pattern, cut my fabric, sewed it, etc. etc. and here we are. The soles, insoles, and a piece at the heel with the little TOMS flag on it are all the remain of the former shoe. YIPPY!

I think they look fantastic!

I will now move to China to work in the sweatshop.

It could happen.

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