
These marketing guys don't miss a trick! vampire repellant!
More torrential rain today. Went to church in the morning and the numerb of kids there! I thought I was in a kintergarden! out of about 20 of them only 4 were quiet and behaved! Ther rest screamed, kicked, tugged bit, chased eacheother all over. To many of these parents kids are merley an accessory to be seen with because they sure as damit don't know what in the heck else to do with the little buggers!

Whats wrong with the words be quiet and shush ? Can they no teach their wee brats to behave when they are in a public place instead of folks having to put up with all their antics while their idiot parents smile sweetly while their offspring rampage all over the place! Dont get me wrong I dont have issues with kids per say, just ith ones whose parents dont have the gumption to teach them basic manners and decorum! Its not Vampire repellant we need but stupid parent repellent. End of rant!

Got to sort things out as I am off to Islay for the next three days so much to do so have a good night all blipperoos

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