Mostly stuff

By Ailsabm

Home purring home

Today has been a long day.

We got up at 7am, the equivalent of 6am UK time, and after taking the train to the airport, spending pretty much 2 hours in various queues, 3 hours on a plane, and a drive from Newcastle to Edinburgh punctuated by lunch at Otterburn Mill and collecting my car from Kelso I got home at 5:30.

Within 20 minutes I was I a hot bath with some candles and calming music, and the cat and I have now assumed the position on the rocking chair ready for X Factor. Tomorrow is test day do its all about distractions and relaxation tonight.

It was a good holiday, I enjoyed the time with Mum, which I think we both found easier now I'm older. The resort was perfect, and we had fun. It's a shame the last day was wet and foul, but to have three and a half days of lovely hot weather in October is pretty special.

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