Lazy, hazy, jump!

It's Sunday
the man went for bacon at the shop
the bread I bought was too yeasty
but I enjoyed it
was just tucking into another slice when
I was told we were going for lunch
but I ate it anyway.

Lunch was delayed a bit
because no-one was really all that hungry
so we used the time fruitfully looking at
and buying some nice things
then it was time to keep the appointment
with the nice man that kept a table for us.

By the time we were done
and had of course visited the sweetie counter
for white mice
it was even darker
I asked the man to stop at this tree
to get a blip
No reason other than the leaves being yellow and
the mist on the hill behind

I also thought I would have plenty time
after all it's a bit remote
but I had to jump out of the way
as a police car sped past
and then another two cars came in the opposite direction
decided enough was enough
and went home
to process the file.

PS If you haven't heard the most recent Peter Gabriel album it is worth a listen. Lots of old favs and amazing orchestration.

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