Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Just H

I was going to blip a cutesy Noah shot...or a manic dog shot today. We've been out for a walk and both of them were going hell-for-leather to be blip-fodder. I couldn't take a bad shot of either of them.

Archie was hell-bent on catching himself a squirrel and the squirrels were hell-bent on teasing my dog. They were running down the trees and sitting yards away from him knowing they were safe because he was on a lead. I can't let him off-lead when there are squirrels or rabbits because Archie suffers with 'red-mist' syndrome. In other words he becomes so focussed on netting himself a rodent that he forgets where he is and where we are and he's gone...for hours...and hours...and hours.

Noah was just being beautiful, blippable Noodle-Doodle.

Then H, who has been having a difficult few days (eight-year-old mood swings / being grounded / being yelled at etc.) shot me this look.

At the time it was a reflex snapshot, but looking at it now brings a lump to my throat. Everything that is uniquely Henry is contained in this expression. The sweetness, anger, attitude, confusion, little-boy-ness and growing-up-ness is all there.

So it's H who gets to be blipped today. H rather likes this image, and likes that I like it enough to blip it. He's sitting next to me, all little-boy-cuddliness at the moment. Don't know how long it will last but I'm making the most of it!

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