Red Squirrel


Defying The Onset of Winter.

The sun's out today and was hitting the yellow poppies in my garden which are still thriving despite the onset of winter looming. So I decided to blip one of them.

I also liked the pic of my Salvia Gregii 'Lipstick' , of which I did a night blip on 18th September. it looks SO different now.

While I was dunging my paddock (with camera in a bum-bag - well you never know when a potential blip may present itself!), Spot the pony (who I blipped on 5th of this month) came over to see what I was doing. Inspired by EmyJane2's amazing blip 'Charlie Cat's Eye' (Now & Then Charlie Cat) on the 15th, click here to see it - EVERONE should!, I decided to see if Spot would let me take a pic of HIS eye! THIS was the result, , though far from brilliant. . Emy's blip was amazing IMHO, one of my favourites of hers (and I told her so!). I can't believe it's only had 87 views and 15*!

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