The Day I....

By Paega

The Day I Chased The Shot

Felt like I was in a hunt this morning.

First I went to take a shot of a tree I spotted yesterday but the low light and windy weather didn't make for a good photo.

Instead I decided to head for a local mill house but there was an old car parked in the way.

On the radio they mentioned the Dartmouth Food Festival so I decided to give up the dawn raid and try later.

On the way back the sun suddenly appeared with stunning effect, but could I find a good spot???!!!

As I headed back to the bay the sun reappeared and cast a brilliant light on a tanker in the bay so I headed for the beach to grab the shot.

By the time I got there the sun had gone back in but there was a huge Naval ship worthy of a photo. I figured I'd go to the end of the beach where it was quiet and set up. After walking the length of the sands and setting up the tripod the naval ship and up anchor and gone! Man they can shift!

So instead I sat on a rock and waited for an opportunity to appear. It did. In fact many opportunities did. The sun came out and game me this view for today's blip. Then an old lady stripped down to her swimming costume and headed into the cold grey sea, then a couple of anglers appeared digging for lugworm that gave some good silhouette shots.

Another lesson I guess. You can't force photographic opportunities. Like the anglers, a photographer needs to be patient.

Later I went to the food festival and went mad with the camera and got some colourful photos. Overall a good day in the end.

In the news... Progress about the Eurozone debt. Banks are raising a further ?100b to cover them for loan losses. Quite honestly, I haven't a clue how this all works. They talk in billions and trillions as though it were Monopoly money. At least this time it looks like the UK is less affected but I would hate to be a Slovenian or Estonian tax payer expected to prop up countries that are five times the size..

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