Mackerel sky

Awoke to lashing ran and gales but by 1.30pm it had cleared and the sun was out. We decided to go for a long and bracing walk, starting high up in the forestry at Barnageehy and walking along an old green road down then up through Vaughan's Pass. We met one yappy dog, two sweaty runners, a few curious cattle and a snipe. I even persuaded himself to do a bit of trespass! The gate was open so we strode across a very boggy field to admire some standing stones - 2 still upright, 3 fallen, and two looking very much like a wedge tomb. The walk back was all up hill but the views were glorious. The sky was different wherever you looked and I liked this soft mackerel effect - unfortunately I think that means bad weather is on its way.
I'm a little bit peeved - someone has just written the book I wanted to! David Creedon obviously is also obsessed with old abandoned buildings and his book Ghosts of the Faithful Departed has just been published. It looks good. I've ordered my copy.

Wrecked now but we're off for a meal with friends and they're cooking - bliss!

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