Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther

Sparkly souls

Tonight I had an evening on my own.

Life's become so hectic lately I hardly ever spend time just sat doing very little and get to quietly reflect on everything that's going on. I realised tonight that it really is the end of a fantastic chapter in my life.

There have been chapters in my life previously that I've been very happy to say goodbye to but this isn't one of them.

I've always believed everything happens for a reason, even if we're not able to appreciate exactly why until maybe years down the line. But for me I know right now moving into my flat with Josie and Nicola was about remembering all the fun things in life. In all honesty at times it felt like they were two real life angels making me giggle, dance and smile again after I'd been sad for so long.

So I am a little heavy hearted such an amazing chapter is finishing right now. I looked at all our photos of the last year and a half and I couldn't stop myself shedding a few tears.

I hope whatever the next new chapter brings I'll be able to draw on all I've learnt from my treasured time with two incredible people.

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