Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Blippable Cats

I didn't want to turn in without posting a blip (having skipped yesterday), so I turned to my most available subjects: the two creatures who more or less live on top of me. They are Laura Earle (L) and Carlo. She insists on using him as a toy, just as he insists that I am his couch. That's why I served as the stage for this performance.

Otherwise I watched the extremely fine and important film The Laramie Project, which is so powerful that I have to blush at taking this long before watching it. It's as important to human rights as any film I've ever seen. I worked as a documentary film researcher for a couple of years, and I know what a huge amount of work was involved in its making. They probably spent 10-20 times the typical amount of time doing it, and that only because they understood how important it was to properly examine the murder of Matthew Shepard, how it changed a town forever, and became a catalyst for the federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act. If you haven't seen it, see it. If you don't have any cats, take one of mine!

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