Pretty girl???

A day off for me today apart from my 2 of course!! We took Archie kitten for his booster jabs and flea treatment and kissed goodbye to £46!!! Bit of luck he's so lovely. The vet said that that he is fully grown now, he's a big boy but not fat jsut very big although he does have a saggy belly bit she said that is not fat just skin. Apparently the dad had it too.

Both Jack and Erin were trying today, they struggled to do anything they were asked and continuously pushed the boundaries. All part of growing up I know but not easy. This is Erin whilst in the naughty corner, I was out and her in, as I turned to tell her she could come out now I was met with this face!!! Last time I took her picture doing this was here she's grown up a bit and doesn't look so much like something out of middle earth but it's still not pretty!!!

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