Big stem
I have only opened the front door once today. Didn't make that mistake again! Pile of leaves blew in and as I am feeling a little below par due to having the female equivalent of life-threatening man-flu a head cold, I thought a nice easy blip of an autumn leaf would do for today.
As I was carefully examining it, deciding on the best angle, I leant in a little to check the curl of the leaf and the stem poked me in the eye. Made my jump it did! That's when the thought occured to me that whilst we gaze in raptures at all the beautfiful autumn leaves, we never really give a second thought to the stems!
That's when I began to feel really sorry for the stems. Poor wee stems :-( I mean, where would the leaves be without them?!! They're like the umbilical cord of leaves, except they have them for all of their lives.
So this is my blip tribute to all the stems out there who are always overlooked in the rush to admire the leaves.....
It's the weekend Peeps :))) Got my best pal coming up shortly and D heading down to her house for a boy's night (isn't it handy that my best friend married D's best friend?! :))
Got a veggie currie on the go and pershwari nan and lots of gossip intellectual conversation to look forward to.
And I'm not neglecting my vitamin C intake....I've sliced a whole lemon for my gin! ;-)))
Happy Friday you lovely lot.
P.S. Think I may have OD'd on the cough bottle!!!!!!!!!!! :))) xx
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