
By Frontier

Every little thing...

Soul 4 Real - Every Little Thing You Do

God (or god, the everlasting, the divine, the infinite, whatever your preference) is in the details. Everything is analyitical. From the most divine to the most mundane, there is detail beyond the constraints of written education, in all languages. Although most people approach a topic (item, subjects, noun) with much ethnocentricity, that it is simply skewed. Including myself. Our little personal worlds are blips amongst a galaxy of unknowns. I believe nobody completely as they are as human as I. I know nothing as do they. Sometimes people forget the priviledge of language and shoot it off in vain. I have shot my mouth off many times without due respect, forgetting the trials and tribulations one has endured to just be.

I know this is old news, but I remember a few years ago there was an "issue" with the way black people were portrayed in Australia and a group of people, on a god forbiddenly awful show called Hey Hey It's Saturday, were minstreling on live television. Now, whether it was funny or not is a seperate issue. Depending on the situation, the best jokes are the most offensive in my opinion. Alain De Botton, as only he can so eloquently express, explains that comedy can bring to light the issues that are simply too difficult to swallow were it to be consumed head on. However, the minstreling escalated into an issue of taboo and many people were, for lack of a better term, "pissed off" with Harry Connick Jr.'s straight forward explanation of its offensiveness. He was a judge on this "talent" show. The afformentioned clip.

Now, I couldn't give a rats about the whole issue, this sort of thing happens everyday and mistakes are made on television all the time. People are allowed to express themselves and although this act was offensive for some, it wasn't for others. I don't really care about it, nor do I care about Harry Connick Jr.'s opinion. But it's the misunderstanding and the media escalation caused by it, which eventually became unspoken truths about "Australianisms" that really erked me. At my previous job, I often made small talk with customers and the issue about race was a constant topic due to the fact I was serving Malaysian food in a predominantly Australian neighbourhood and that I spoke fluent English with an Australian accent but (and this is the worst part about saying this sentence, "BUT") even though I am Australian, I look am Asian.

A customer was explaining their unsubstantiated hatred towards Harry Connick Jr. for making "un-called for" comments about the show and that Harry himself "black-upped" (their term, not mine) on another TV show in America. Harry Connick Jr. on MadTV Pot calling the kettle black they said. I got pissed off but I just let it slide. The sad misunderstanding that this person's opinions were based on just made me give up. I don't do anything to promote race issues, but then for a person to make such dire comments without the want to research the issue is a problem for me. It breeds ignorance and eventually a closed mind. It's just my opinion and everyone is entitled to one, but morally, if a person is unwilling to learn and expand their horizons, even in the most minor details, it's a shame. A down right shame. All humans have the faculties to progress and improve on themselves in whatever way, and due to ignorance, pride and any other such surpressing measures, a person is stunted. The detail is what helps mankind to improve. I used the word "cumbersome" at university once during a lecture I sat in on, and 55% of the other students just turned around and ridiculed me for my use of it. I'm sorry, but what kind of attitude is this when one is unable to progress?

I should take a chill pill. This really doesn't matter at all. This happens everywhere in any country in any situation. I am not alone. Life goes on.

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