In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The Magnificent Seven

I don't believe in numerology but7 seems to be a number that has followed me around for all my life.
My Mum comes from a family of 4 and my dad a family of 3; 7 in total. The first house I remember living in was 77, the house I now live in is number 7, and there have been others in between that were numbers that added up to 7.
I have 7 grand-children , and these are their very first shoes that we sent to Canada to get bronzed. We have one shoe from each of them and our son and daughter have the other one from each pair.
Recently I told you about a new word I came across, which was the fear of the number 13, well yesterday i discovered a companion word for it, "Friggatrisksidekaphobia ," this means the irrational fear of Friday the Thirteenth. I presume this means the actual day, not the movie of the same name.
Anyway, I hope your Friday is good, even though this is not the 13th, but the 21st, which if you divide by 3 gives you...

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