
By shy

My True Love in the Snow

......well actually that's not quite true. Anyone can see that it's not snow.

It is my Japanese (Tokais) Les Paul copy which plays as well as the real thing (not just my opinion). It even has the Jade Green tuners.

.....Actuallly thats not true either cos' it's not mine. It belongs to my younger son Ed, but fair do's, I extracted it out of him because he's borrowed my Crafter electro-accoustic whilst he's at Uni.

.....Actually, I cannot truthfully say that this guitar is the true love of my life either. What with a wife, kids, grandkid an' all. Because it's not.

....Actually its my 2006 Standard American Lake Placid Blue Strat.

Oops... now I'm in trouble.

But I'm happy because "Life on Mars" is back on the telly tonight!!! Yipeee!!!

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