Little Painted Bathtubs.

Like yesterday I was down to the beach to see if I could get a blip, from a long way off they were so bright and grabbed by kept an eye on them until they got a bit closer to shore. It is still school holidays; they were having some tuition from a a couple of blokes in a rubber dingy. There was a yellow one to, but it just couldn't catch up with the other four. The background is an industrial area and beyond is Mt Peel and the foothills.

Came home and mowed the lawns (even though were wet) We are heading off to the Marlorough Sounds very early tomorrow morning to attend my bosses wedding. Also doing the photography with help from another friend.

I haven't even thought of packing yet, but must get onto it. Check battery's, format cards etc.

The forcast is OK I think, hope the sun isn't too strong......excited and nervous!!

I am sorry about my lack of commenting this week. There just seems to be so much more to do daily now that our property is on the market. I will endeavour to catch up next week - wish me luck!!!!


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