michigan man

By outdoorguy

Sneezy and his Mum(s)

It has rained today from sunrise to nearly sunset. Not a lot of rain, but constant. A trifle depressing.

I dropped the doctor off at his Flint office, and had 4.5 hours to kill. I went to Sam's Club...thinking it would be perfect timing for loading up on their free food samples. Not a single food hostess in sight. Don't tell me I'm actually going to have to pay for lunch.

I went to a local small city in search of their library...hoping to get a head start on my Sunday School lesson. I was surprised to see it was a Library/ Senior Center. I went into the library...looking very studious...only to find 1 adult table, and 1 kids table. There was all sorts of "library crap" on the big table, and I didn't think I could stoop down low enough to sit at the kids table. I went next door to the Senior Center, and asked if I could sit at one of their tables. They said I could use the lunchroom.

Lunch was still going on. Turkey ham cooked in pineapple. I got to listen to a conversation about a lady's new knitting discovery, and I got to watch as another senior attempted to set up the new cable TV channels. I was asked if I wanted to join the euchre party. I am a phenomonal euchre player (well...I'm ok.) I politely declined...claiming I needed to study. It was interesting to listen to the card-room banter.

I don't know why...but I don't feel like a senior. I'm old enough (58), I'm retired enough (3+ years), and I'm gray-haired enough...but...it just doesn't feel right. I remember looking in the mirror at about age 50...and thinking..."Where did you come from?" Middle age I'll accept...Senior-hood...not quite yet.

I stopped by this honor-system pumpkin-mum stand on the way back to the doc's office. I'm not sure what Sneezy has to do with it. I'm thinking about calling Disney World, and reporting this grave injustice. I checked the web-site and the adult ticket price is now 90 dollars and 53 cents. I think Disney needs more money, and a nice little residual check from this farm stand might help.

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