The Dregs :)

Oops who's eaten all the chocs?? Mostly D thankfully, comfort food I think its called.

Dad said tonight that hopefully he might get an angiogram to access whether or not he needs a bypass (not good in his condition) or stents; he's also hopeful that the oncology guys will speak to him about the results of last week's tests which we are hoping will be good and whether or not he will need any additional treatment of chemo or radiotherapy or whether coming back for regular scans to access there is no more cancer will be deemed the right wayto proceed. Hopefully its teh latter and that it hasn't spread.

D said he felt great this morning and was back to normal, so no college to attend andthe dissertation waiting for its final check he had a few hours to jkill, so what did he do?? Decided to go for a jog!!! The man is crazy and 2 miles later he collapsed in a heap coughing for England *sigh* - then to add insult to injury at the hospital tonight my dad blames me for not looking after him properly. Since D was complaining that the cough syrups in the UK weren't strong I have bought him a new brand from the Health Food shop - Allens Pine & Honey Balsam - it smells like very strong Fisherman's Friends and his face when he took it - hee hee. But I am pleased to say he says its so nasty its working and he hasn't coughed once - so I'm looking forward to a night of unbroken sleep :)

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