send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard


Today's my anniversary. My partner and I have been a couple for four years, with a total of eleven as friends. This year she became my fiancée. Although she's not much of a wildlife fan, "Kes" is one of her favourite films, and the first play that I took her to see when it was performed in Edinburgh a couple of years ago. She puts up with a lot, not least of all my photography (and everything that comes with it), so today's image is for her.

On to the image itself?

As convenient as a 270mm focal length is, I knew it was never going to be long enough to capture the kestrel close up while it was surveying the land . However, choice of location did mean that I could use the long focal length to compress the distance between the bird and the background. This meant using vibration control to prevent motion blur. I took this from the redeveloped site of the former Silverwood Colliery, which closed in 1994. Since moving here, it's been impossible to ignore the effect that the pit closures had on the local economy and it's people, and I think that the steelworks helps to remind you that South Yorkshire is built on hard graft and forward speaking. Much like the girl who prompted me to move here.

Nikon D300; Tamron 18-270mm @ 270mm; ISO 200; F/8; 1/250 second. VC on.

There's another image from this morning here.

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