In abundance

Its been a much better day today, mostly warm and sunny. After work tonight Mike & I decided that we would head off to Shell Island tomorrow when he gets in from work so we have spent the evening getting all the gear ready. It will be impossible tomorrow as Ellis will be here and he's now into everthing and anyway I'd rather spend the day playing with him.

Today's blip is of the flowers which cover the wall surrounding my garden it's a dry stone wall built originally about 250 years ago and repaired from time to time as time takes its toll. Every year this lovely little rockery plant produces an abundance of tiny white flowers and the whole wall is covered, I've no idea how old the plant is but its been here as long as I've lived here which is 28 years.

Tomorrow I'll either post before we go if I've time or back blip when I get back on Sunday.

If I don't catch you tomorrow hope everyone has a great weekend whatever your plans

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