Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Happy 21st Birthday Kirsty!! :D

Today's been a pretty busy day, a large portion of which has been spent with me running around organising everyone. ;)

I went to the bank this morning, then Mum took me into uni, stopping off at M&S on the way. I got into uni an hour early, which was spent in the library looking some stuff up for a research essay I have later in the term. I then had my Presbyterianism lecture at 12.

After my lecture I went to Daniel's, who was just out of bed. I dropped some stuff off, then headed into town, I had to get a balloon, badge, cake and candles for Kirsty. Once I had finished, I headed back to meet Daniel for coffee, after which I headed back to his house to wait on Laura and Kirsty finishing class.

At 4 I met Kirsty and Laura, and ended up having more coffee, we then headed back to Kirsty's house to get ready to go out. Once we'd eventually got ready, we met Daniel at Villa Italia for dinner. It was so good! :) After dinner we headed back to Daniel's for tea, coffee and cake. That's where this pic was taken. It's Daniel, Me, Kirsty & Laura.

Overall, it was an awesome day! :D


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