
By marshland

Work, work and more work

Today's been all about tests. I've been doing practice SATS papers at school over the last two days - today I did a maths paper and a literacy paper. The literacy was all about using your imagination to create an animal called a 'miptor'. I had to write a leaflet all about the animal. Strangely, I had the urge to call my animal 'blip' - I wonder why?! I'll save this name for another writing test for now!

I hope that I've done OK in my tests. It's weird really because I know they're just practice papers, and I normally like doing tests, but I was actually a little anxious to get each test over and done with. I really felt nervous at the beginning of each test.

Mum was marking some work tonight at the kitchen table and I took the opportunity to take this picture as it reminded me of my tests. Hope you like it.

PS: I have a computer problem at the moment and so I can't upload last night's blip (which is saved on our laptop that has broken). I was really upset because I actually tried to upload the picture twice last night and the blip website kept crashing, meaning that twice I lost my picture and full journal entry. I gave up in the end because it was late and I couldn't believe it had happened twice. Grrr!

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