
By AprilJane

Ghosts in the Wilderness

I thought the ghosts at Hampton Court only came out at night, but at 9 this morning I went for a run through the Wilderness, which was utterly deserted, and felt beautifully spooky. I also went around the Formal Garden which wasn't quite so eerie, but still deserted and very beautiful.

Went to the school for Betsy and Al's parent consultations. I spent half of yesterday evening telling Betsy NOT to worry about SATs as they were to test the teacher and the school not her, and I don't care a bit what her results are. All this testing and pressure at this young age is all wrong, for the teachers as well as the students.

It's a bit less straightforward for Al. He is dyslexic, and despite (or perhaps in should say only because of) our Herculean efforts, he was only diagnosed a year ago. Thankfully his new teacher understands his situation and he is at last getting lots of support, but he now has a mountain to climb, poor thing!

I'm going out with my oldest friend, Wendy, tonight, so fully expect a punishing hangover tomorrow. We met at infant school and have been friends all our lives. She is the person who can most quickly reduce me to tears of laughter, and I love her very much.

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