Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Going Well

Things are going really well! We have no routine and I am getting a lot of time to catch up with my Buffy boxset in the wee small hours, because Elizabeth is very much a night owl, but she is happy, healthy and thankfully she does sleep sometimes so we do get to catch up. We had Jeff's parents round last week and my parents here this weekend, which has been great. It's good to have people around who have been through it all. I got mum to watch us giving Elizabeth a bath tonight, just to check we were doing it right. The visitors have also been great for trips to tesco and my mum has fed us really well.

Feeding is mostly going well, it's a little sore to start each time, but once she's on, it's fine. The soreness will go once I get more used to it. I'm off to a breastfeeding club tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it, to hear how everyone else is getting on and to start meeting people.

I still can't believe that we created this little beauty. It's just amazing. I can just sit and watch her for hours. Even while she is sleeping she is fascinating to watch. She pulls all these cute little expressions and makes the most adorable noises. I even think her cry is so unique! Anyway, it's all good!

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