Once a Day in the West

By thatpowanwoman

What you lookin' at

Broke down on the way to work, not quite in the middle of nowhere like the time in January where I was stuck half way up a hill on a single track road with no brakes - now tat was fun!

To-day it was just near the small settlement of Leanach and whilst waiting for the big truck to come and rescue me I saw several friends who drove past and stopped for a chat, the local farmer who's cows these are and two small boys from the village -

"Are you Bobby Donaldson's mum"
"What's happened"
"I've broken down"
"We could push you"
"No, you're alright, the garage is coming"
"We could push ye doon the hill"
"No, really, you're ok"
"Oh, awright, then. Bye Mrs Donaldson"

Did some very art shots of some old and moss covered fence posts but the Coos won in the end! They were also VERY noisy!!

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