The Edge of the Wold

By gladders


It was so windy today, even this curlew was struggling to stay on its feet while feeding on the mudflats at Sandside, and its feathers were distinctly ruffled. The curlew has a round head, not a wedge-shaped one as the photo suggests.

Otherwise there weren't a lot of photographic opportunities today. This is a busy week at work, and there wasn't time for a lunchtime walk. I was hoping I might get out after work for a stroll, but as I drove home the sky became blacker and blacker. Finally as I turned along the prom, the deluge was unleashed, it was like a tropical storm, the rain was so hard I had to stop the car as I couldn't see where I was going. It never really lightened up after that.

Probably best viewed under the lens to see his windblown feathers.

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