By ANDY597

tsunami road

First day back at work today and as soon as I open my eyes, I am feeling particularly rough, it looks cold and dark outside and it would be easy to phone in and extend my absence. However, I need to get back to work and I cant in good conscious have gone sailing yesterday and phoned in today.

If I ever win the lottery, then I wont have any problem with staying at home, but until then my work pays the bills and keeps my women folk in the manner they have been accustomed too and I know which side my breads buttered..

If your were well enough to go in a boat Andy, then your well enough to get yourself back to the daily grind.

I get to work and while trawling through my 8 million email messages that await me, me old mucker asks me whether or not I want to enter rust to rome. I will therefore refer to him as Captain Chaos from now on to protect his indentity, if you don't know who Captain Chaos was, you obviously didn't watch the cannon ball run when you were a kid and you should google it immediately and watch the film post haste.

Anyways, you have to get a banger for as cheaply as possible and get it to Rome via the designated route. It sounds a right laugh and we could do it for charity. Its not until next July and I will go home tonight and ask permission to go out and play with the other big boys.

Talking off bargain bangers I bought a banger last night, a clapped out mk3 golf gti which I got for £280, motd and taxd until March of next year. The lady wanted £500 but she said she would take £300 for cash as she needed the money to visit her sick mum in America. Anyways, I haggled, offered her £250 and we settled in the middle at £280, however I went around after work and did my good Karma bit and gave her the extra £20.

Don't ask me why, I just felt that I should. There might be some of you shouting at the screen right now, but I lay awake last night thinking about her ill mother and thought that she deserved a break.

My little girl asks me a question about condensation, im so pleased that she is learning. She says Daddy, how come when you have a bath the hot steam clouds the mirror however in order to clear condensation from the car you need hot air ? I love you Daddy....

I wouldnt mind so much, except she is 21.

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