Growth forecast
We measured the kids today. To amuse them, we measured them twice - once in the morning, and once in the evening, to show them how you shrink during the day. They obligingly each shrank by around half a centimetre, but were still reassuringly huge compared to the last time they were measured in June.
Apart from that diversion, we finished off Katherine's new ceiling at the MBH and did lots of plastering. Now, I've been asked to put a quick clarification on here. Mr B has had it brought to his attention that I may have implied that I've been doing plastering. He would like me to make it very clear that I have not done plastering. What I have done is apply a plaster-like substance to walls with plastering tools in order to achieve a smooth and level finish. But not plastering. Definitely not. So, I should apologise for any confusion that may have caused and stress that I never at any point intended to imply that I would ever be able to do anything as skilled as plastering, which is obviously reserved for the Mr in my world.*
That said, I have perfected the art of plaster making - with the perfect mix being 3 and 2/3 Illy coffee jars of plaster to 2 not-quite-full Illy jars of water, minus a bit that you throw out for good luck. All that training at icing making is finally coming in handy. And as everyone smart knows, most of the skill of plastering is in the mixing.
*Any sarcasm perceived in this blip is purely accidental.
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