iPhone MIA

BACK BLIP: written on mon,

It's a super sad day! The iPhone has either been lost or stolen. It was last seen being put in my pocket on the way to the dance floor....

Please iCloud, email me when my phone is found, though the chances are now super slim! I do have insurance, and like a genius or psychic, I backed up and updated the phone the day before, so as I hope, when the insurance kicks in it will be like it never happened! (i hope)

Fortunately I have a dad who is gadget MAD, he has 3 phones, and one of them is an iPhone4, that he mainly uses for the internet and for music. The beautiful man saved my ass again by lending me it until I can sort out my predicament! I love you more and more everyday Dad, so lucky to have u. You and Mum are way better than any insurance policy!

Today was, from midnight onward, the worst day EVER! lots of things happened surrounding the phone going missing, including missing my bus home. I did make it to work today, god knows how! Thanks to my friends Andy, Jay and CLP for helping me tonight, I love you three dearly and would do the same for you all. Its defo the end of an era, time to be more like myself again, I missed me. Think I left more than just a phone in that club... philosophical and vague I know, but I know what this all means.

Mark gave me some wise advice this morning, he couldn't remember who had said it...turns out it was Winston Churchill, one of my hero's. The quote was "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." VERY TRUE MARK, Bring on the next stage of me, the evolution continues.

Don't worry I wont be making an enemy out of the many, only the few.

Cheryl x

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