My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Secret Angel

The teachers at our school have a Secret Angel Network. Its goal is to support each other during stressful times and just to send a smile on rough days. The teachers each have a pigeon hole (locker) and the angels leave little gifts and motivational messages anonomously in these pigeon holes. Some of the gift ideas are so creative and special. Today I have blipped this little parcel waiting to be collected. These roses have a beautiful fragrance and you can smell them as you pass the lockers.

Today was actually not too bad as Monday's go. We have a short week because it is Mid Term and I think most things are running smoothly. After Mid Term there are 6 weeks left in the school year. They are going to fly past!

I am off home now to help son K with his project. He is studying our area, Hartbeespoort Dam, for History and Geography. We are finding out many interesting facts.

Enjoy your week!

EDIT: Mr G came home early and we were able to take the dogs for a walk before sunset. The 2 cats followed us as well. I love it when we can steal some time from the day!

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