Tales of Us

By donz

On the move ....

It's been AGES since I did a blip and there is one particular reason for that, for those of you who don't know, we are planning our return to the UK. We have been away for 10 years - 8 years in Sydney and 2 in HK - and, despite the weather and the recession we have chosen to spend a few years back in blighty - back in time for Christmas.

R and I have just returned from a week in London, we stayed in the centre of London and had glorious weather - we weren't fooled into thinking it would always be so bright and cheery but it was nice anyway. We will however, be living in St Albans and I am secretly wondering about the interest of my future blips compared with those in HK - but I'll worry about that later.

For the next 8 weeks we are still here and we shall be enjoying whats left of the weather, the culture and the holiday feel before coming back to earth with a bump!

It's school hols again - the kids spent ages painting today, as you can see.

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