For the family

By RonaMac

Who?s been hiding in my cupboard?

An early blip today as I'm off to a clinical supervision meeting, back tomorrow afternoon.

I'm meeting up with a group of specialist nurses for peer group supervision. I know I'm retired but my work with a charity needs me to maintain my registration and so the supervision goes on.

These are the people that you can ask the "daft" question and you trust implicitly. When you are the "specialist in your trust", it is expected that you have the answers to everything!!! No!!! This is when you can ask a friend, a quick email out to the group and you get a variety of responses and often a consensus opinion. They are also fantastic support when working life gets s....y

Back to the blip.

Thanks to Wooly's comment yesterday about the Pooh bears, I realised that they hadn't been seen for ages. Couldn't bear to eat them at the time, so they went into hibernation. They were found snoozing in an empty sugar bowl in the cupboard!!

Thanks to ewe Wooly, they are now having an airing and are looking quite refreshed.

The cake! My first attempt at a carrot cake thanks to inspiration from a fellow blipper.
It rates 10 out of 10 for taste, but only 5 out of 10 for appearance. Don't think it would pass muster with the WI ladies. But it gives me room for improvement. The first action will be to buy the correct size baking tin, makes life easier than lining the sides of the tin to stop it escaping over the top!!

It was made yesterday and I'm taking half for our meeting and the rest will be left in the safe keeping of B. Let's see how much has gone by tomorrow evening, better still by the end of the week (I'm away again Wednesday morning until Friday). He can cope with all these calories and work them off at the gym.

Have a great day!!

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