Ina's Snippets

By ina

PLEASE feed the Giraffe

"The problems we have created
cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at
when we created problems."

-- Einstein --


He is hungry alright! At least it looks that way :)

On my way back from the Academy I stopped at the Lion park to greet my friend. He came to the fence when he saw me, bend down and put his head against mine - what a magic moment - he then licked my hand to see if I brought him something to eat.

I've tried to blipped the moment with one hand and 'no eyes' but most of them came out blur or was a total miss :(

Had an interesting class today - will share with you later in the week.


"An enemy takes up more space in our head,
than a friend in our heart."

~Author Unknown~

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