
By earthdreamer

Bolton Abbey

Glory be!

I've had to spend the day working, and things have gone really slowly. I know I'm still not firing on all cylinders, evidenced by this cough which still hasn't disappeared, although it's improving at least. So not a lot of spare time or energy today so I was limited to getting on the bike for another short excursion to Burnsall and back. Like yesterday the light was beautiful and I took quite a few pictures, but although my route was pretty much the same, I came back with an entirely different set of shots.

I think this points to why I enjoy landscape photography so much. Every image is unique to a point in time. Quite often I've taken a shot I like, which didn't quite get blipped, and when I've returned to the same spot I haven't been able to reproduce the same qualities. The light varies so much from hour to hour and day to day. I was on the bike just a little bit later today, and that combined with the fact that the cloud was clearing this afternoon, whereas it was building yesterday at a similar time, meant that I was attracted to completely different things as I cycled along.

Once again, I could have spent a long time prevaricating over a number of nice but quite different images, so I've plumped for this one because the light on Bolton Abbey late this afternoon was really quite perfect, and the image has a rather appropriate dreamy quality about it. It's strange that I haven't blipped the Abbey before now since it is only a few miles from home and I cycle past it so often. I'm probably guilty of taking it just a little bit for granted! You can see Ilkley Moor in the background.

This was where Bittersweet took this incredibly beautiful blip on holiday back in August. It's one of my all time favourites from an amazing journal.

I'm afraid I won't be able to comment tonight. Catch up with you tomorrow with a bit of luck. Just finally, thanks for the fantastic response to yesterday's blip. I did rather like it myself!

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