Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara

Lush And Green

It's another 'guess the fell' blip although this time it's a hill rather than a fell.

I wanted to capture the autumn light so we went up Beamsley Beacon in the late afternoon. It can be a harsh environment up there especially if it's windy but today it was still and sunny. All the bracken is now dead but the colour of the fields were such a lush green you would have thought it were the middle of summer! We took both dogs, they had a whale of a time.

Beamsley Beacon' summer is marked by a prehistoric cairn. It was used as a fire beacon site and a much ruined guard hut of Napoleonic times is still here. It's also home to a lot of noisy grouse and you can see as far as the White Horse! (the eagled eye can also see the White Horse from the top of Ilkley moor)

I've always fancied a farmhouse up near Langbar. It's south facing and much quieter than Ilkley Moor opposite. Still unless my numbers come up I'll never be able to realise that dream!

It's set to turn cooler this week but as long as the rain holds off I'll be happy

And that's today's one through the looking glass

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