
By RMurang

Chan with Mom

Plan for a complete recharge of all rechargeable batteries including self for a wedding tomorrow and a day-long photo trip of our club day after tomorrow. Did succeed in recharging all save for the last one item <bother> which was on the run about a delivery which become emergent at the last moment suddenly.

Meanwhile, prepare and test all equipment at Joy's (my supplier). Recently all the three speedlights are giving me trouble while shooting important events. The camera was suspected to be at fault since three speedlights can't go wrong at about the same time. They were also tested on another camera one by one and found to be ok.

To make double sure, two brand new speedlights were tested on the 'suspect' camera. But surprisingly nothing was wrong at all!What to do? There are two ways for tomorrow : (1) Shoot with another camera with the original three speedlights; or (2) Use the same 'suspect' camera with new speedlights.

The option falls on No.(2) since the other back up body was there at the servicing centre far away regarding a memory card slot replacement. Bring one new speedlight for tomorrow to be used at crucial moments. Time will tell how things fare with actual field work!

Till then ...

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