Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

End Of The Holiday

Our last day , beautiful sunny weather , our other daughter tells us that the weather in her part of Scotland is the same as here in Hitchin, hope it stays that way when we get home.

We had a gentle meander around Hitchin town centre. Our daughter took us to see these wonderful sculptures. So I thought it only fitting to finish with these, given that the very first image taken in Switzerland was also a metal sculpture which I will be back blipping when I get home . Sort of neat , starting and ending with a metal sculpture and who knows what in between.

WE've had a wonderful and very different holiday with three diverse locations , in the mountains, in the old city of Zurich and finally in the county town of Hitchin.

Uploading now then putting the laptop away in the case as we will be leaving for the airport in about an hour.

Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for the week ahead.

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