today I ...

By BarbiesWorld


To sum up the day.

After a long lie in after friday nights heavy dancing to Puerquerama (I mean, half naked mexicans, singin in pigs masks and rocking the place, what do you expect? It had to bee good) today presented itself as a gorgeous golden day.
Sparkling drinks and birthday toasts at H's in the garden. Nice walk and chats (and photos naturally). The best apple wine cream cake ever, more birthday rhubarb meringe cake. Short interruption for changing places. Autumnal soup, antipasti, italian pumpkin pie, cheese plate and more nice chats at CnKH's.
Pheeeewww... (ate as much in one day as the whole week before)

In other news:
Don't worry about little yellow Jackie. I took her out with me to have a closer eye on her and to give her a rest from trying to connect somewhere.
Luckily the kids tired her. Preventing them from making fire and burning down the place, from falling down the quarry walls, from striking someone dead with a trunk and from whatever we adults didn't got to know distructed her for once. But I fear as soon as I'll look the other way she'll find a way to sneak out.

Happy birthday, Hitsch!!
Glad to see that happy smile again, it suits you so well!

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