Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

What you looking at?

There is nothing like being woken by a cocker spaniel sitting on your head at lie-in for us today!

We were up the woods early doors and I got a few photos of the pigs that are on the neighbouring farm. I climbed over some barbed wire to get a bit closer but must admit I bottled poking my camera too close in case they chased pigs chase people?? I don't know, but I wasn't risking it. Plus, Mr G thought the farmer might chase me with his gun shouting 'get off my land'!

An hour in the garden was followed by brunch and we are now just having a clear out to put some stuff on eBay. Mr G has stuff finishing today so that clears some bits and pieces out of the garage.

Next, we are making a crumble to take to our friends for dinner. Feet up this afternoon I reckon with some reality TV tonight.......

I hope you are all having a lovely relaxing Sunday :)

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