Is it JUST Me?

I'd like to spark a debate with this image. I opened a magazine yesterday, to find a number of images by this accomplished photographer, all but one were excellent in composition and detail..I have to say, the following is simply " MY OPINION." Looking at this I think you will perhaps not fail to notice the completely out of focus, muzzy image of what appears to be a tree on a hill slope. Now to some who study art it may well be a truly wonderful me it epitomises the vast number of quite similar ones I see in photo mags which to me are simply not worth the printers ink involved.
For the life of me, if I were as good a photographer as this guy I wouldn't WANT to publish such an image. I must add in no way do I want to infer this man is anything but a first class photographer..I simply fail to see merit in that photo at all. Just look at the beautiful one to the left and above by the same chap...I rest my case:)
Love to hear anyone's thoughts on this subject in general, not especially specifically this image, which I Blip solely to make my point.

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