curly colored leaves...

...found in shades of gold and red and orange - to celebrate autumn at its best... against the backdrop of mountains and water - a sight to behold.

i couldn't believe it - really... due to my anxiety with driving, therefore not being able to get into the high country to see the magnificent changing of the leaves... i didn't think i'd see anything very spectacular with color... but i had to run some errands and stopped at the park - i found myself chasing birds... gently stalking and being on the losing end - sigh... usually the case.

i rounded a corner - passed a bush... and in front of me - was this tree... i've no idea what kind of tree it is - it's rather small... but has the cutest little curly leaves that have colored remarkably...

as i gazed at the view of it against the mountains, it made me stop - give pause: be grateful for where i live... that i can traipse through a park for the sheer pleasure of it... that i have the freedom to do those things i desire to do... that no one cares whether i take pictures. i am a fortunate person - blessed beyond belief...

making for a

happy day.....

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