Mandy's Snaps

By mandyarmstrong

Cosmic Cycle

I've been in Horsham today, with Elliot, who was attending an 'improvised comedy' course as part of the West Sussex County Council schools gifted and talented project. He's had a great day, learning new skills with a group of children that he had never met before. It also gave me the opportunity to wander the shops for 5 hours, drink coffee and take some photographs.

This impressive (and massive) sculpture was designed by Angela Connor, and is accompanied with the following information:

Water is Shelley's element. It flows and surges through his poetry. It draws him to itself. Tragically, in the mediterranean accident which ends his life in water, the source of life on this planet, there is also death.

In my sculpture, a new cosmic shape, like life itself, emerges from its shell. Water animates it. By sheer weight (eventually 6 tonnes) it presses the form down again until, with a mighty breaking of waters it is free to rise and begin again. Shelley, Horsham's poet of liberty, knew that there is a cycle to all things, linking atom and cosmos in one recurring pattern.

Now I've shared some knowledge with you, I'm off to put my feet up and watch some trashy tv...have a good evening everyone. :-)

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