Country File

By marypot


Most parents who have tattoos of their children's names go under the needle after their babies are born, but thanks to Jeff Buckley, our little girl's name had already been etched firmly into her daddy's forearm for some years before she came into the world last August. Hubby always knew he wanted to call his future daughter Grace. Luckily, Grace was also the name I had always had in mind for a daughter should I ever have one, and I am also a fan of Jeff. So the fact that Hubby and I met meant Grace's name was never in doubt. Fate, I guess!

Sorry for the lack of comments these days. Although I'm on half term break this week, I'm busy marking and also writing tons of reports. My evenings are spent on the laptop. After two hours of that each night, my eyes can't cope with too much blip-photoing. Thank you very much to everyone who has left kind comments lately. Hopefully I'll break the back of these reports in the next few weeks.

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