hello again

By admirer


more dogs come to the beach and have enormous joy in chasing each other.
They have a lot to play. People look so dull and slow in comparison. They walk or jog or stand still and look at the waves.
I cycled to centre-town. Circus Renz advertized that one could visit the stables of the animals, all day. In the big tent there was a demonstration of a trapeze-dancer. Quite an opportunity to try some shots. Put one on Flickr. No link, does not work nowadays.
Outside I found a cage with two lions in it. One with her head in the sun, the other with her back. Two rows of bars, to prevent that anyone could get harmed.

My haiku:

Some animals could
Easily eat me but no
Not one this ever did

And the proverb from Kierkegaard:

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

Sounds a bit pessimistic but what about the one of Saint Bernard:

It is a misery to be born, a pain to live, a trouble to die.

Circus pictures: www.flickr.com/photos/willemienderooy

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